Expertise doesn’t just happen
Professional work and development depend on networking and the exchange of technical knowledge. UHRIG is aware of its dual role as part of both a technical and a social community.
Learn more about our memberships and how we support sports and development aid.

Our memberships
GSTT – German Society Trenchless Technologies
RSV – Rohrleitungssanierungsverband e.V.
VSB – Verband zertifizierter Kanalsanierungs-Berater
DWA Deutsche Vereinigung für Wasserwirtschaft, Abwasser und Abfall e.V.: The German Association for Water, Wastewater, and Waste (DWA) is committed to safe and sustainable water and waste management. As a technical, scientific association, the DWA brings together leaders in water and waste management from municipalities, universities, engineering firms, public authorities, and corporations.
IKT – Institut für Unterirdische Infrastruktur GmbH: The IKT is an impartial, independent, non-profit research institute. It takes a practical, application-oriented approach to issues relating to subterranean pipework, with a focus on sewer systems.
Industrie- und Handelskammer Schwarzwald-Baar-Heuberg: A well-functioning network strengthens the economy and the region. It provides orientation and a vision for the future. The network is the Schwarzwald-Baar-Heuberg Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
Handwerkskammer Konstanz: The Handwerkskammer Konstanz represents the trade workers in the region.
Bundesverband WärmePumpe e.V. (BWP): The BWP represents the interests of the heat pump value chain.
Deutsche Unternehmensinitiative Energieeffizienz e.V. (DENEFF): The DENEFF is an initiative of over 180 companies that provide products and services in the field of energy efficiency.
Güteschutz Kanalbau e.V.: The Gütegemeinschaft Kanalbau has been active since 1988 in ensuring compliance with the RAL-GZ 961 quality standards. It focuses on continually improving the environmental compatibility of wastewater lines and sewer systems, and on protecting the public from hazards resulting from substandard work.
Verein für die Präqualifikation von Bauunternehmen e.V.